Friday, November 29, 2019
What is meant by the word abortion Essay Example
What is meant by the word abortion Essay The word abortion means intentional destruction of a foetus or the inducing of a premature expulsion from the womb to cause death. (the termination and removal of a foetus while it is in the mothers womb). This can happen medically through a therapeutic abortion when the pregnancy is deliberately aborted or naturally through a miscarriage due to complications with the pregnancy. About 75% of all human conceptions abort in this way. The medical name for this is spontaneous abortion.A pill can be prescribed within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse or when contraception fails and a further two tablets 12 hours later. This pill is more commonly known as The Morning after pill.If the foetus is about up to 13 weeks old, a drug called prostin is usually given to make the uterus contract then the vacuum process will be used to expel the foetus. Special care is taken to ensure every piece of tissue is removed or this can cause serious harm. The medical name is vacuum aspiration (suction abo rtion). This is the most common method of abortion about 85% of abortions in England and Wales are done this way.Instead of using a suction tube, a scraping instrument (or curette) can be used and the foetus is scraped from the womb. In some places this method ahs almost been replaced by the suction method. The medical name for this is Dilation and CurettageInstead of using a curette small forceps can be used to crush the foetus and pull it out of the womb. This method is usually used later on in pregnancy. The medical name for this is Dilation and Evacuation.In very late abortions after 18 weeks, more common to America, the foetus life is ended with an injection of hormones called prostaglandins this induces the labour. The dead foetus is given birth to as if it were being born. Many late abortions are now performed by bringing on labour in this way.Abortion has been one of the most fiercely debated issues of the past millennium. As more people discuss it, new dimensions are added to the argument and this may be why laws vary from country to country and have changed so many times.Abortion has been legal in this country since 1967 when the abortion act was passed. The abortion act was passed because of an MP called David Steel. David Steel thought it was unnecessary for thousands of women to die each year through having back street abortions. Untrained people with un-sterilised equipment carried out these back street abortions. The abortion act stated, A mother can have an abortion if it is carried out before the 28th week of pregnancy. The act imposed this week limit because when the act was first passed the anti-natal equipment (ultrasounds etc) was very new and doctors didnt fully realise the amount the baby would have grown and developed. Also during the 1960s peoples attitudes towards women were changing, they now had more rights and could control contraception with the pill.The weeks limited was changed to 24 weeks under the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology act where it was stated, An abortion should be carried out before the 24th week of pregnancy. It was altered because anti-natal technology and understanding had progressed rapidly and people realised there was a good chance a baby could survive if it was born at 28 weeks whereas at 24 weeks it couldnt. The law currently requires permission from two doctors to carry out an abortion.The current government would like to lower the week limit to 20 weeks, this is because anti-natal care has improved a lot even since 1990 and so a baby can survive at 24 weeks, but even now if a baby was born at 20 weeks there is no chance of it surviving. Nowadays abortions are carried out in hospitals or healthcare centres by trained doctors and nurses using sterilised equipment under these two acts. The governments plans may appease Pro-life campaigners who feel that human life is sacred.Some 17, 000 abortions are now carried out annually in England and Wales. Of the women involved, over two thirds are single and most have no previous (born) children.Southern Ireland agrees with the Pro-life point of view and so has made abortion illegal. This means that any Irish woman who gets pregnant has to travel over to Northern Ireland, which is governed by England to have an abortion. There are also many groups who are pro-abortion and feel that it is a womans right to choose what happens to her body.(ii) What biblical and Church teachings might be used in discussion about abortion?The Bible never mentions abortion directly because it is a medical term but it does have things to say about the sanctity of human life (sanctity is the quality of something considered so holy or important it must be respected totally). When they say this, Christians mean that they believe there is something special and holy about human life. They also believe that God makes each person individually and deliberately, so everyone has value.For example some of these teachings from the bible may be used as a Christians view. In Genesis 1:27 it proclaims, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. So the bible teaches that people are in some way reflections of God, and that in human life, something that can be seen of God himself. Also in 2:7 it describes how God made Adam, and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. So Christians believe that only God can kill you because he alone created you.The traditional Christian teachings place the highest value on human life, which leads to them condemning the idea of abortion. One of the earliest teachings of Christianity not in the New Testament, The Didache, says: You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you shall not murder the infant already bornThe Bible also says in Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill. Both pro-abortion and Pro-life campaigners can use this statement. Firstly pro-abortion campaigners can say that human life doesnt start until the b aby is born but Pro-life campaigners can say that the Bible proclaims killing of anyone including a foetus is wrong. Christians believe that anyone shouldnt kill any living thing including a living foetus.Isaiah 49:5 says, And now, Saith the lord that formed me in the womb to be his servant This quote can be used by Pro-life campaigners who can say that God created us to serve and follow his commands. So Christians believe this quote means that God made you so only God can decide when you die.Acts 17:26 declares, And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation This quote can be used by Pro-life campaigners who can say that only God can decide when we die because he created us all. Christians feel that this statement means that only God can decide when we die because he created everyone in the world.Jeremiah 1:5 says, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, b efore you were born I set you apart. Basically this quote is explaining the fact that before a baby is born (a foetus) is separate from its mother therefore has the same rights to life.Lastly in Corinthians 3:17 it is written that, If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is hold, which temple ye are Christians believe this quote means that abortion is basically harming God himself because the temple of God is the human body because he created us all.Christianity is a very diverse religion it has many different churches that all interpret the Bible differentlyThe Church of England and the Church of Scotland teach that abortion is wrong except in extreme circumstances such as serious risk to the mothers health and life. They especially disapprove of abortion when the mother is doing it for selfish reasons such as saying her career is more important.The Free Churches believe abortion is down to the mother she has a right to decide. The only ch urch that rule abortion is completely wrong is the Roman Catholic Church.The Roman Catholic Church has the most traditional line on abortion. They believe the baby gains a soul at conception- Ensolement and that abortion is morally evil. They will not allow abortion under any circumstances what so ever, in fact they say, All people must realise that only God can end life, which is a view that reflects the quote from Act 17:26 that basically means, only God can decide when you die because he is the one who created you. A Roman Catholic Church in Glasgow even went as far as running a pro life scheme where they offered money and emotional support to pregnant women to keep their child rather than have an abortion. The scheme is open to women all over the world, not just in Scotland.The Roman Catholic view is completely different from the Methodist Churches point of view. The Methodist Church feel that abortion is perfectly acceptable if: The mothers life is in danger, The baby will be b orn with a severe handicap or the children already in the home will suffer if a new baby arrives This quote is like the one a pro-abortion campaigner could take for the text written in Acts 17:26 where the pro-abortion groups say even if God created all life a woman still has the right to decide what happens in her body.The two churches have interpreted the Bible quotes very differently with the Roman Catholic Church saying abortion is not allowed at all because it is murder. They have said this because in Exodus 20:13 it says Thou shalt not kill and they have interpreted this statement literally and have taken it to mean any person even a half formed one such as a foetus. The Methodist Church on the other hand has taken this quote and has disregarded it in a certain sense because they do not feel a foetus is a person. They have taken the view that when the foetus is in the womb it is not technically a human.I think the churches have interpreted the Bibles teachings differently beca use of their leaders, background and other religious viewpoints. The Roman Catholic Church is very traditional and interprets the Bible ideally and literally. The Roman Catholic Church has many ceremonies and sacraments. The Methodist Church is much more liberal and allows their followers more flexibility. The Methodist Church has tried to interpret the Bible in a way that is relevant for modern living.Depending on their own church of Christianity (Roman Catholic, Methodist, and Church of England etc) Christians can in some circumstances justify an abortion. If they are any other church other than Roman Catholic then Christians will always have at least one reason to have an abortion for example the baby having a severe handicap or the mothers life being in danger. This gives them a religious justification because it is saying yes you may have an abortion and we will not send you straight to hell, because of this it will make them feel better about themselves and their decision. Pro -life campaigners could rebuke all of the above statements by saying that no Christian can justify and abortion because if they do have an abortion they are going against God himself because he says in the Bible Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13) Pro-abortion campaigners can say that even if their church doesnt allow an abortion then women should still have them if that is what they want because it is their right to do what they want with their bodies and not the right of their priest of the Bible. Personally I feel that any woman Christian or not is justified in having an abortion because it is her own right to do what she wants with her body.Through all of this, women from every religion continue to terminate pregnancies.(b) Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action.There are many ways in which Christians who are against abortion might put these beliefs into action. Some examples of these actions are* Some Christians may wish to go to straight to th e source of the problem and cut it off right from the beginning. So they may organise talks for young people in their church, or work as young volunteers in a counselling centre which offers help and contraceptive advice to young people to try and give young people a chance to receive proper sex education so that fewer unwanted pregnancies happen in the first place.* A Christian may join a Pro-Life organisation, which campaigns against abortion, such as Life, SPUC (the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child) or CURA. By doing this they will help target advertise the disadvantages of having an abortion and the issues, how to help people who have had an abortion, people who are considering an abortion and abortion rights. They advertise in leaflets and magazines etc, targeting young women. They can give free pregnancy tests, expert pregnancy counselling, accommodation before and after birth, advice about rights, and help with baby clothing etc and support. Providing these serv ices will help to bring down abortion rates as it provides the insecure mother with security and wellbeing.* They may pray about the problem of abortion, perhaps asking Gods help for the foetuses and for the pregnant women if perchance the woman is pregnant with a mentally handicapped child she may pray to save the potential child.* They might take part in protests against abortion. Some of these protests could be writing letters to their MP, take part in marches or other demonstrations, carry placards advertising their opinions, besiege clinics which offer abortions, and try to persuade the people visiting the clinic to think again before keeping with their abortion plans.* Christians offering advice to someone who might be considering having an abortion might suggest that the baby could be adopted, as there are many couples who would happily take on a child as they could be unable to conceive etc. There are many Christian adoption agencies, and a Christian who is against abortion my support one of these and therefore encourage women to go through with their pregnancies and give the baby to a couple who will provide him or her with a loving home.* Sometimes abortions are wanted because having the baby is going to prove to be to easier said than done, maybe because it will be born with medical problems or perhaps are suffering with financial problems. A Christian who, because of their faith, can offer support for families or single mothers. For instance a Christian may offer to baby-sit for a single parent, so that he or she can go out with their friends to let a bit of the stress and strain of looking after a child off. Some Christians work as foster career which involves them looking after the children of parents who are finding it difficult to manage, on a more long-term basis. These things could save many abortions taking place therefore reducing the abortion rate. This is a serene type of protesting against abortion.* Generally in discussion with other pe ople they might show that they strongly disagree with abortion, and they might explain their opinions by making reference to their faith and maybe the bible. Its a simple method of putting a Christians faith into action but sometimes it can be the most affective.* Some Christians may choose to go the politics route and try and get the law changed about abortions. They could do this by voting for someone in an election who promises to make abortions more difficult to obtain. This would be making a start to getting the law changed and therefore clearing the lawful right to have an abortion.There are also many ways in which Christians who are in favour of women being able to have an abortion might put these beliefs into action. Some examples of these actions are* Again they may pray about the abortion problem.* They may join similar groups like Life only a group which campaigns for the right to choose abortion such as the BMA, the British Pediatric Association or other Pro-choice campa igns.* They might support an organisation which offers counselling for people who have had abortions.* Even if they believe that abortion can sometimes be a sensible choice they may still believe in giving young people a chance to avoid unwanted pregnancies in the first place by giving them a proper sex education.* Again they may express their views about abortion in discussion but this time how they feel it is sometimes the most loving choice, also discouraging other people to criticise women who have chosen to have abortions and pointing out the many reasons people have abortions and why people still have the right to have an abortion.(c) Abortion is never justified. Do you agree?Some people may agree with this statement becauseIt has been said that a foetus is not a human being; it is merely part of the woman. Whereas, medical science has proved that the foetus is biologically separate from its mother. From the moment the embryo is formed a new individual comes into existence, ge netically different from its parents. The development of test tube fertilisation has proven that an embryo can exist outside a female body. All these scientific advances confirm that the unborn is a separate human being. The terms embryo, foetus, baby, child and adult are just different words for a human being at different stages of life.Given the necessities, a foetus has the potential to grow into an adult.Many women think that they would have to give up their job or education if they were to have a baby, but now this is not true. There are laws which prohibit discrimination on the basis of pregnancy. Even though a woman may have to postpone some of her plans, the foetus right to live should take precedence over the mothers right to a certain lifestyle.Other anti-abortionists would argue that people with severe handicaps can lead happy and fulfilled lives. Every foetus is a unique, talented human being, a genius perhaps even a William Shakespeare or Beethoven. An example of a pers on is the education minister who is blind, David Blunkett. Other examples are people who are involved in the Paralympics, a large achievement and success of disabled people. A very famous man called Stephen Hawkins has motor neurone disease. He is a wheelchair user because he is paralyzed and can only communicate through a computer. He has achieved such things as being a famous author and is a very well known scientist.The main argument against abortion is that human life is sacred and that killing a human even a half formed one is wrong it is basically murder. Pro-life campaigners and the Roman Catholic Church agree strongly with that view. They believe that this life begins from the moment of conception and anything that takes away this life is the same as to murder. If it is wrong to kill a baby of 2 months, in the eyes of Pro-Life people and some Christians it is equally wrong to kill a two-month-old embryo. They see every human life both within the womb and out of the womb as s acred and from God. So they believe that a fertilised egg is a human being that possesses a soul from the moment of conception.The different types of abortion can be very harmful not just to the potential human beingTaken the morning after pill involves risks for the women long term health. These are a small risk of thrombo-embolic and cardiovascular complications that increase with age, obesity and smoking. Anyone with a family history of diabetes and hypertension is at increased risk. The textbooks on drugs also caution about the use of this method for people with migraines, epilepsy, depression, asthma, contact lenses and varicose veins. There is also a risk that you may remain pregnant after taking the pill.During vacuum aspiration artificial dilation of the cervix in pregnancy carries the risk that the cervix will be damaged and will be insufficiently tight to contain a subsequent pregnancy, so the mother runs the risk of miscarriage or premature delivery next time she is pregn ant. It is also possible for the wall of the womb to be perforated, which can be very serious for the mother.During dilation and curettage or dilation and evacuation unless all the parts are removed it is possible for infection to set in. Infection as a result of retained parts of the child or the placenta can result at worst such damage to the fallopian tubes and the ovaries that the women is unable to ovulate and the egg to pass through the fallopian tube. Infertility specialists regularly cite abortion as a major cause of infertility. If infection is not treated quickly the women will be very ill, sometimes haemorrhaging and needing urgent hospitalisation.Many believe that a baby is a human with rights from the point of conception, this means that many people believe from the point when the foetus is formed the baby is a human being. These people believe that abortion is murder and should not be legal and should not be carried out. They believe that if an abortion is carried out it should be treated as a murder and the mother should be given a prison sentence.There are also less significant views, such as, having an abortion can break down relationships, cause depression and tear families apart. Having an abortion could be seen as an obstacle in a relationship, the two dont know what to say to each other or how to react. It could break up a family by going against others wishes; for example if half the family wants the baby and the other half dont. This leaves the mother very confused and lonely. Depression is seen as a more serious case, mothers can become depressed by changes in the body, she could feel guilty and following a termination she could feel like a piece of her has gone.Some other reasons why pro-life groups and some Christians are so strongly against abortion are:A Child should not be punished for its parents irresponsibility. The argument here is based on the embryos right to life irrespective of the situation his/her parents find themselves in. If the conception of the child is due to casual sex, the parents should have no rights to decide if the child should live or not. They would probably only be having an abortion for their own convenience and not value the unborn childs life at all.Woman should not be allowed to put her career before her life of her child. In todays society many woman are career orientated and the untimely arrival of a child may ruin their career prospects. If a career woman becomes pregnant she may look for an abortion as a way of dealing with an unwanted child. The Pro-Life movement believe that no human situation can justify the taking of an innocent life. Obviously a person in this situation may need counselling or help in knowing how to reconcile her pregnancy with her career.Abortion may have physical or mental side affects for the woman. Many women who go through with an abortion sometimes suffer from depression as a result of it. Pro-Life groups try to inform the public of these realities while Pro-Choice groups pay little attention to this.Abortion is plain and purely murder. This is what Pro-Life people and many Christians see abortion as. They believe if we are able to justify abortion then we could just as easily excuse murder as in both cases youre killing with intent.On the other hand some people would disagree with this statement becausePeople for abortion are often labelled Pro-Choice groups. These include The National Abortion Campaign Lobby. Pro-Choice groups believe that it is the right of any woman to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes. Groups which are Pro-Choice believe that abortion should be made legal and be offered to all women. The arguments they make for abortion are as follows:The embryo in the womb is not an actual human being. This argument is based on the belief that the embryo is just a cluster of cells which is not a person but only has the potential to be a human being.A woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy if she wishe s This argument is based on the belief that a woman has absolute right over her own body. In this argument the embryo in the womb is not considered to have any rights whatsoever.Abortion should be legalised to stop unsafe and unsanitary back street abortions. This is one of the strongest arguments for abortion. In modern day society girls can get abortions anywhere if they really wish. These back street abortions are very dangerous and could maybe even lead to the mother dying as well as the child dying. So for this reason Pro Choice believe abortions should be allowed.Woman may not have the facilities and the money to raise a child. This argument is based on the fact that bringing up a child can be a financial burden. Pro Choice believe that if a mother feels she will not be able to care for the child then it is irresponsible on her part to bring a child into the world.A woman has become pregnant as the result of rape or her life is at risk if she has the child. Pro Choice argue th at it is unfair to force mother to go through the trauma of pregnancy to have a child which will make her feel hurt as it will remind her of the rape. Pro choice groups also argue that if a mothers life is at risk then she shouldnt have to go through with pregnancy because it would leave any other children she has motherless. A foetus is only a potential human life, but there can be no argument about the humanity of the woman.The child maybe born with physical or mental abnormality. This argument is based on a warped value system that says that a person with a mental or physical handicap is worth less than a person who has no disability.Many people who argue for abortions agree that with or without the law, it will still happen. Desperate women will go to all sorts of measures to get an abortion. People who fight for abortion argue that it is safer to allow abortions to be legal, this way, women can get the treatment they need safely.Another view is that if a woman is ill with child she should be able to abort the pregnancy. Many believe that if a mother is ill or has been raped or knows that the baby will have no quality of life they should be able to have an abortion. Some women who are disgraced in their familys views argue that their prime concern for requesting a termination was for the potential child. How can a mother bring a child into this world when she knows she will not love or care for it?In 1991 nearly 90% of all the 163,000 who had an abortion did so, on the grounds that it would be damaging to their physical or mental health.Another reason is if the pregnancy was unexpected. Contraception is widely available but it is not yet 100% reliable; in fact no method is 100% reliable.Other factors as to why women need or have abortions are, she may be too young or too old, and there is some conflict as to how old a woman can be to have a child. Some women terminate their pregnancy because of AIDS and HIV. Mothers are scared this may be passed in to thei r babies.If a woman wanted a child and found out from a scan that it would be severely handicapped and disabled she may want an abortion. Surely, as a parent you want whats best for your child in the long run and not put him or her through the pain of at least a childhood and adulthood of teasing or even worse bullying. If he or she was severely disabled mentally then he or she may not be able to communicate. This would affect the child mentally and physically. In modern day society there is a high chance of being discriminated against. Everywhere people are prejudice so why risk any abuse. Why put it through pain all of its life when it could have no pain at all.Research indicates that abortion is very safe. In fact carrying on with an unwanted pregnancy can cause more long-term stress and suffering than abortion can. A refused abortion can cause the mother to feel hate towards the child.It has been estimated that one hundred thousand women a year die from illegal abortions in coun tries where it is illegal. An estimated two million women have illegal abortions a year; those that dont die could be left with permanent injuries which may not allow the women to have further pregnancies in the future.Many people believe that from conception to birth the foetus is part of the mothers body and she therefore has complete jurisdiction over it. Therefore, some argue she should be able to have the right to terminate it from any time between conception and birth. These people do not believe in the 24-week law and may try to terminate a baby after this deadline.Even if abortions are banned they will still be done illegally. For example last year on the coast of Dublin there was an abortion ship, which is on international water where people can get an abortion if they like.In my opinion I disagree with this statement. Abortion is justified, but only in some cases.I think that the earlier laws were too harsh and impractical and the more recent laws are too lenient and vague . A balance between the two must be established. I think that the weeks limit should be changed to 20 weeks as the foetus has nearly finished developing senses and a brain and therefore might be able to feel pain during an abortion.I believe that many of the reasons for having abortions are totally unacceptable. For example, there have been reports that some pregnancies were terminated because parents decided that their child was the wrong sex. I think that too many women do not look hard enough to find the possible solutions of the problems that arise with pregnancies. Parents must take more responsibility. It is the final decision for the mother and the baby which can never be undone. It is probably one of the most difficult and heart rending decisions that a female will ever have to make in her life. A decision which should not be taken lightly as abortion can harm you body not just your feelings. It suddenly ends a natural process and can make it difficult for you to conceive an other baby.If a woman does not feel she is ready to bring up a child, the best option is to give the child up for adoption as there are thousands of people who are desperate to foster or adopt children. I disagree with some people who believe that abortion is simply a last chance contraceptive.But I do believe that there are circumstances and situations in which abortions are the best option. For example, if the child will have severe disabilities or if the continuation of a pregnancy will cause a high risk of severe injury to the mother or even death because the death of the mother would leave other children without a mother and this will mean that all their lives will be hugely affected. I also believe that it is right to terminate the life of one or more foetuses involved in a multiple pregnancy to preserve the life of other foetuses. Finally, I think that although doctors should consult other doctors, they should not be prosecuted for carrying out an abortion in extreme circumst ances. For example, in 1938, Dr Alexander Bourne performed an abortion on a 14 year old girl after a gang of soldiers raped her. Dr Bourne informed the police and was prosecuted.When an abortion is requested, I believe the reasons for the abortion should be evaluated by an impartial body. They should also consider the possible outcomes of the situation, if an abortion takes place, and if it does not. The woman seeking the abortion should not be the only person whose wishes are taken into consideration. The family and father should also be given thought.I do not think that abortion should be made illegal either. If abortion was made illegal, hundreds of women would die trying to solve the problem of an unwanted child by themselves. It would also cause a raped mother to have the baby, which could lead to her hating the child, because it reminds her everyday of her dreadful ordeal. Some women would die if they continued with the pregnancy and need to have the option of terminating the pregnancy available to them. Not having an abortion could also lead to a severely handicapped child being born with no chance of surviving. In my opinion legal abortion should be an available choice for a pregnant woman. I dont class a baby as a living, human being until it is born and so I dont see abortion as murder.I also believe that once the child is born there are very little mothers who will regret going through with the pregnancy and birth no matter what the situation is whether they have financial problems or whether they are just not ready.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Become a Better Homeschooling Teacher
How to Become a Better Homeschooling Teacher As a homeschooling parent, its common to wonder if youre doing enough and teaching the right things. You may question if youre qualified to teach your childrenà and look for ways become a more effective instructor.à Two important steps to becoming aà successful homeschooling parentà are, first, not comparing your kids to their peers and, second, not allowing worry to derail your homeschooling. However, there are also some simple, practical steps you can take to improve your overall effectiveness as a homeschool teacher. Read Books Business and personal development and training expert Brian Tracy has said that if you read a book a week on the topic of your chosen field, youââ¬â¢ll be an expert within seven years.à As a homeschooling parent, you probably wont have time to get through a book a week in your personal reading, but make it a goal to read at least one homeschooling, parenting, or child development book each month. New homeschooling parents should read books on a variety of homeschooling styles, even those that dont seem as though they would be appealing toà your family. Most homeschooling parents are surprised to find that even though a particular homeschooling method doesnt fit their educational philosophy as a whole, there are almost always bits of wisdom and helpful tips they can apply. The key is to look for those key takeaway ideas and discard- without guilt- the authors suggestionsà that dont appeal to you. For example, you may love most ofà Charlotte Masons philosophies, but short lessons dont work for your family. You find that changing gears every 15 to 20 minutes gets your kids completely off-track. Take the Charlotte Mason ideas that work and skip the short lessons. Do you envy road-schoolers? Read the book Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith. Even if your family isnt on the go more than one or two days each week, you can still pick up useful tips for making the most of your time in the car, such as using audio books and CDs.à Try one of these must-readà books for homeschooling parents: A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine LevisonHomeschooling the Early Years by Linda DobsonThe Relaxed Home School by Mary HoodThe Unschooling Handbook by Mary GriffithThe Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer In addition to books about homeschooling, read child development and parenting books. After all, schooling is only one small aspect of homeschooling and should not beà the part that defines your family as a whole. Child development books help you understand the common milestones for childrens mental, emotional, and academic stages. Youll be better equipped to set reasonable goals and expectations for your childs behavior and social and academic skills. Author Ruth Beechick is an excellent source of information on child development for homeschooling parents. Take Professional Development Courses Nearly every industry has opportunities for professional development. Why should homeschooling be any different? Itââ¬â¢s wise to take advantage of available opportunities to learn new skills and tried-and-true tricks of your trade. If your local homeschool support group invites special speakers for meetings and workshops, make time to attend. Other sources of professional development for homeschooling parents are as follows: Homeschool conventions. Most homeschool conventions feature workshops and expert speakers in addition to curriculum sales. Presenters are usually curriculum publishers, homeschooling parents, and speakers and leaders in their respective fields. These qualifications make them excellent sources of information and inspiration. Continuing education classes. Local community colleges are an ideal resource for professional development. Investigate theirà on-campus and online continuing education courses. Perhaps a college algebra course would help you brush up on your math skills to help you more effectively teach your teen. A child development course can help parents of young children gain a better understanding of which topics and tasks are developmentally appropriate for their children. Maybeà the courses you choose to take have no direct correlation to what youââ¬â¢re teaching in your homeschool. Instead, they serve to make you a more educated, well-rounded individual and offer you the opportunity to model for your children the concept the learning never stops. Itââ¬â¢s meaningful for kids to see their parents valuing education in their own lives and following their dreams. Homeschool curriculum. Many curriculum options feature material to instruct parents on the mechanics of teaching the subject. Some examples are WriteShop,à Institute for Excellence in Writing, and Brave Writer. In both, the teacherââ¬â¢s manual is instrumental in teaching the curriculum. If the curriculum youre using features side notes, an introduction, or an appendix for parents, take advantage of these opportunities to increase your understanding of the subject matter. Other homeschooling parents. Spend time with other homeschooling parents. Get together with a group of moms for a monthly moms night out. While these events are often perceived as simply a social outlet for homeschooling parents, talk inevitably turns to educational concerns.à Other parents can be a wonderful source of resources and ideas you hadnt considered. Think of these gatherings as networking with a mastermind group. You might also consider combining a homeschool parent meeting with reading about your field (homeschooling and parenting). Start a monthly homeschool parents book club for the purpose of reading and discussing books on homeschooling methods and trends, child development, and parenting strategies.à Educate Yourself on Your Studentââ¬â¢s Needs Many homeschool parents feel ill-equipped to home educate their child with learning differences such as dysgraphia or dyslexia. Parents of gifted students may think that they cant offer their children adequate academic challenges. These feelings of inadequacy may extend to parents of children with autism, sensory processing issues, ADD, ADHD, or those with physical or emotional challenges. However, a well-informed parent is often better equipped than a teacher in a crowded classroom setting to meet a childââ¬â¢s needs through one-on-one interaction and a customized education plan. Marianne Sunderland, a homeschooling mom of seven dyslexic children (and one child who does not have dyslexia), has taken courses, read books, and researched, educating herself about dyslexia to more effectively teach her own children. She says, ââ¬Å"Homeschooling not only works, it is the best option for educating kids who donââ¬â¢t learn by traditional methods.â⬠This concept of educating yourself goes back to the suggestion to readà books on topics related to your chosen field. Consider your childs unique learning needs to be your chosen field.à You may not have seven years available before your student graduates to become an expert in a particular area, but through research, learning about his needs, and working one-on-one with him daily, you can become an expert on your child. You dont have to have a special-needs child to take advantage of self-education. If you have a visual learner, research the best methods for teaching her.à If you have a child with a passion for a topic about which you know nothing, take time to learn about it. Thisà self-education will help you help your child capitalize on interest in the subject.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Network Security Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Network Security - Case Study Example The Internet has become a staple of the business world today It is because of this that a company should remain continually up to date with the latest security measures. Vulnerabilities due to designs flaws, poor security management, incorrect implementation, and malicious intent can all contribute to the loss of company assets. Therefore, it is paramount to implement a comprehensive security plan urgently. With carefully planned countermeasures and strict security, the odds of a successful intrusion can be minimized greatly. Overview of Network Security Fundamentals, Security Threats, and Issues Whenever a network is connected to the Internet it is potentially subjected to attacks from malicious programs such as viruses, Trojans, and spyware. Network security is not only about the WAN (Wide Area Network) but also the LAN (Local Area Network), as the two go hand in hand. It is possible to not only have an external attack but also an internal one too. The moment any form of computer d evice becomes network capable or dependent of some form of network function, there is a given need for protection to safeguard the flow of information to and from the said device on a given network whether public or private or from a trusted to non-trusted source. The problem with locking down a network tightly is the administrative overhead it creates. The more secure the network becomes the greater the need is for a team to administrate this. There has to be a fine balance between the two whilst still safeguarding the network and the information it contains. Attackers generally have motives or goalsââ¬âfor example, to disrupt normal business operations or steal information. To achieve these motives or goals, they use various methods, tools, and techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system, or security policy and controls. Threats can originate from two primary sources: humans and nature. Human threats subsequently can be broken into two categories: malicious and non-malicious. The non-malicious ââ¬Å"attacksâ⬠usually come from users and employees who are not trained on computers or are not aware of various computer security threats. Malicious attacks, however, usually come from non-employees or disgruntled employees who have a specific goal or objective to achieve. Due to the harmful nature and repercussions on malicious attacks, security should be specifically focused on this area. The most prevalent and common forms of malicious attack are viruses, Trojan horses, worms, password cracking, denial-of-service attacks, e-mail hacking, impersonation, eavesdropping, and intrusion attacks. Using up-to-date equipment and technology and enforcing a comprehensive security plan, attacks such as those mentioned above can be prevented and denied. (Bhatnagar, 2009). Proper equipment and maintenance are vital to the consistency of the network security. In a continually advanced technological landscape, security measures need to adapt to threats a ccordingly. Methods such as the use of firewalls and Virtual Private Networks will help keep a network stable and secure. Detailed Network Security Recommendations A firewall is the first line of defense for your network. A firewall can be a hardware device or a software application and generally is placed at the perimeter of the network to act as the gatekeeper. There are four mechanism used by firewalls to restrict traffic. One device or application may use more than one of these in conjunction with each other to provide more in-depth protection. The four mechanisms are packet filtering, circuit level, gateway proxy server, and application gateway. An established internal network should
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ethical Leadership in Corporate America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
Ethical Leadership in Corporate America - Essay Example United States possesses anti-fraud regulations that can execute the offenders in the courts of law as criminals of the society. But significant number of fraudulent activities happen in the United States erasing hundreds of billions of dollars of government treasury and public money every year. The Enron fraud revealed the huge extent of involvement of corporate executives in illegal market manipulations and tampering of financial books & balance sheets that can shake the fundamentals of US economy and in turn the global economy. [Ostas. 2007. p.571-578] Enron fraud was a significant event in the history that resulted in a mammoth decline of about $1.5 Trillion in the New York Stock Exchange alone within an year of their public disclosures which eroded the confidence of the general investors significantly in the United States and rest of world [Ostas. 2007. p.571-578]. This was one of the most rude shocks to the world about a country where ethical conduct is taught as dedicated management subject and Jesuit tradition of education is followed in so many universities. Is America developing bad managers at the academic level or the work environment in the corporations erases their fundamental learning of ethics that they bring from the academic world This is a question that is not easy to answer but the people of United States and from all across the world have begin to wonder if the corporations of the United States are in the hands of managers that are incapable and selfish that possess very poor self restraint and self reliance and poor (or NIL) dignity towards the nation and its people. In this article, I present a review of the impact of leadership values and ethics within Corporate America taking the events in Enron as the baseline. The article begins with an analysis of the events in Enron and their mapping with the empirical theories of corporate ethics. Further to this, the alternatives are discussed that management in Enron should have considered to prevent this fraud and the most appropriate alternative is discussed in detail along with its implementation plan. Table of Contents: 1.1 Background of the Enron Scandal 7 1.1.1 What was the ENRON scandal 7 1.1.2 Brief summary of the issue 9 1.1.3 Sarbanes - Oxley Act and other major changes post Enron Scandal 10 1.1.4 The Problem Statement 12 2.1 Amazing rise of Enron and its fall thereafter 13 2.2 Where did Enron lacked in Corporate Ethics 15 2.3 Linking Enron and the Corporate America with the empirical theories of corporate ethics 18 Table of Figures: S.No. Description and Hyperlink in the document Figure 1 The mapping of IT enabled Corporate Governance with the corresponding attributes (Source: IT Governance Institute. 2000) Figure 2 The extremely complex transactional framework created by Enron to sell their SPEs (Source: Jenson, Bob. at Figure 3 The Critical Thinking Model (Source: Paul and Elder. 2006. p.3-21) Figure 4 The decision making process that develops the individual traits helping in being more
Monday, November 18, 2019
Mercantilism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mercantilism - Essay Example All the countries that practiced mercantilism had oneà economicà motivationà which was the consolidation of power centers in that region.à Spainà was not leftà behind,à and it made sure all its colonies in the Caribbeanà were rigidly controlledà to protect theà commerceà and industry of her empire.à First, they barred foreign ships from accessing her colonial ports in the Caribbean. Second, she designed the coloniesà to economically complementà to Spain, and forbadeà certainà colonies toà manufactureà so as toà leaveà theirà marketà open for imports. Finally, she channeled all colonialà tradeà through one port so that she got all the benefits (Magnusson, 1996). The main positive aspect of mercantilism was theà creationà of wealth for theà merchants andà rulersà of the countries involved. Another positive aspect is that this system provided the greatest inspiration to theà growthà of economics as a scientific division. The local inhabitants of these colonies were the ones who bore most of the negative aspects of mercantilism. First the localsà were exploitedà to theà coreà whereby they either became slaves, or bonded laborers. Second, the economic status of these colonies weakened a lot, and the local peopleà were leftà highlyà demoralized (Magnusson,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Major Research Designs And Methods Psychology Essay
Major Research Designs And Methods Psychology Essay Since time immemorial, Sociologists have been using different designs and research methods to examine society and social behaviour. Most sociological research involvesà field work typically designed to depict the characteristics of a population as fully as possible. The designs and methods have proved utilitarian in studying the behaviour and relationships among groups of people and institutions and how their characteristics are shaped by these relationships. It analyses how society changes and how it maintains stability, looking into both unanimity and conflict among different social groups. Sociologys subject matter comprises of social procedures such as, deviance, identity development, socialization and social institutions, including work, religion, family. Major research designs The three most popular social researchà designs are discussed below- CROSS SECTIONAL: It is also known as transversal studies,à cross-sectional analyses andà prevalence study. Cross sectional research involves the study of a number of individuals varying in age but have the same attribute or characteristic of interest at a single point of time. It forms a class ofà research methodsà that necessitate observation of all of a population, or a representative subset, at one specific point in time. They differ fromà case-control studiesà in that they aim to provide data on the entire population under study, whereas case-control studies typically include only individuals with a specific characteristic, with a sample, often a tiny minority, of the rest of the population. Cross-sectional studies are descriptive studies (neither longitudinal nor experimental). Unlike case-control studies, they can be used to describe, not only theà Odds ratio, but alsoà absolute risks andà relative risksà fromà prevalences.à They may be used to describe some feature of the population, such asà prevalenceà of an illness, or they may support inferences of cause and effect.à Longitudinal studiesà differ from both in making a series of observations more than once on members of the study population over a period of time. Longitudinal, in which scientists study the same individuals or society repeatedly over a specified period of time. Aà longitudinal studyà is aà correlationà research study that involves repeated observations of the same variables over long periods of time often many decades. It is a type of observation study. Longitudinal studies are often used in psychology to study developmental trends across the life span, and in sociologyà to study life events throughout lifetimes or generations. The reason for this is that unlikeà cross-sectional, in which different individuals with same characteristics are compared,[1]à longitudinal studies track the same people, and therefore the differences observed in those people are less likely to be the result of cultural differences across generations. Because of this benefit, longitudinal studies make observing changes more accurate, and they are applied in various other fields. In medicine, the design is used to uncover predictors of ce rtain diseases. In advertising, the design is used to identify the changes that advertising has produced in the attitudes and behaviours of those within the target audience who have seen the advertising campaign. Cross-sequential, in which scientists test individuals in a cross-sectional sample more than once over a specified period of time Six of the most popular sociological researchà methodsà (procedures) are theà case study, survey, observational, correlation, experimental,à andà cross-cultural methods, as well as working with information already available. Cross sequential studies combine both longitudinal and cross sectional methods in an attempt to both shorten the length of the research and minimize developmental assumptions Research methods Five of the most popular methods which help in sociological research are- Case study Survey Observational Experimental Cross-cultural CASE STUDY METHOD: Inà case study research, a research worker analyses a person or small group of individuals with a strange situation or condition. Case studies are usually clinical in scope. The researcher (often a clinical sociologist) sometimes applies self-report measures to gather quantitative data on the field. A comprehensive examination, including a long-term follow-up, can last months or years. The advantage of case study is that, it obtains meaningful information about individuals or groups. The disadvantage is, it is only applicable to individuals with alike characteristics instead of the general population. SURVEY RESEARCH METHOD: It is the most common method by which researchers gather their data. This type of research methodà involves face-to-face interviewing or administeringà questionnaires, or written surveys, in which interviewer meets with his subject to ask them questions. The investigator examines the data acquired from surveys to know about similarities, differences, and current trend. The researcher then makes predictions about the subjects being studied. Its positive side includes acquiring information from a large number of responders, conducting interviews according to respondents convenience, and obtaining data as tattily as possible. Its negative side includes biased volunteer or interviewer and distortion. Distortion occurs when the subjects are not honest with the investigator. OBSERVATIONAL METHOD: It is also called field research, is a basic of sociology. Observational research involves directly noticing subjects behaviour, either in a laboratory (called laboratory observation) or in a natural environment (calledà naturalistic observation). Observational research ensures the investigator that subjects will share totally honest accounts of the experiences, take the study seriously, learn to remember, do not feel embarrassed. Observation studies are of two types- Participant Observation and Non-Participant Observation. In participant the investigator gets an opportunity to be a part of the group he is studying and might even live with them. This must not influence the behaviour or attitude of the people they are studying. In nonparticipant observation, the research worker analyses a group of individual but does not otherwise interact with them. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD: This research methodà tries to ascertainà howà andà whyà something happens. Experimental research tests the way of how one variableà affects the other. There are various factors that can affect the resultant of any type of experimental research. One is discovering random samples and representative of the universe being analysed. Another is biasà experimenter, in which the investigators prospects about what should or should not occur in the study shake the results. Still some other is ascertaining forà immaterial variables, such as noise level or room temperature, which may intervene with the conclusions of the experiment. Only when researcher cautiously controls for immaterial variables can she or he draw sensible conclusions about the results of specific variables on other. The major plus point of this method is that the experimenter can be reasonably sure of a cause-and-effect relationship. Most experiments take place in the laboratory, which ma y be a room with a unidirectional mirror, but some experiments occur in the field, or in a natural environment. CROSS-CULTURAL METHOD: This method involves the study of values, folkways, norms, attitudes, mores, customs, and practices necessitate knowledge of other societies and cultures. This research is designed to discover variations across people from different culture experience and background. Most cross-cultural research involves direct observation, survey, andà participant observationà methods of research. In participant observation the investigator gets an opportunity to be a part of the subjects community he is studying and might even live with them. The positive aspect of this method of research is that the information obtained is considered within the social, political, economical, and religious systems of that community. The study also demonstrates that Western cultural standards are not necessarily practised by other societies. What may be acceptable or normal for one group may be unacceptable or abnormal for another. Conclusion The important types of sociological research include cross cultural, surveys, experiments, the use of existing data and observational studies. Surveys are the most common of all as it allows the researcher for gathering much information on subjects or respondents that is relatively trivial. The conclusion of surveys that use random samples can be generalized to the population that the sample represents. An observational study is also common and allows us to acquire in-depth knowledge of a small group of individual. Because the samples of these analyses are not random, the outcome cannot necessarily be generalized to a population. Experiments are very less common in sociology. When field experiments are conducted in sociology, they can yield valuable information because of their experimental design.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Make A Difference Essay -- Teaching Education Teachers Essays
Make A Difference I have always wanted to be an elementary school teacher ever since I was young. My grandmother was a third grade teacher, and after every school year she would give me her old books that she no longer used. I was so excited when she gave them to me. As soon as she handed them to me I would make my younger brother play school with me. From the first day she gave me her old school books, there was no doubt in my mind that I would become a teacher of education. Education is defined as the lifelong process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through either formal or informal means. I believe that the purpose of education is to allow students to discover who they are through exploring what the future holds for them. Formal means of education should provide students with skills that will facilitate living and working in a dynamic world. In my opinion, a variety of instructional options are necessary for teachers and students to be successful. There are many different approaches available in doing so, a few of them include: the behaviorism, essentialism, and progressivism philosophies. Agreeing with the behaviorist point of view, I see myself using positive reinforcement with my students, when a task or behavior is achieved. Rewarding students can make a big difference in the studentââ¬â¢s attitudes, even if it is just a little reward like a smiley face drawn on their paper or even a sticker. By doing these little things it will help encourage students to continue the good work and to carry on in this manner. Behaviorism also deals with the big role that the environment plays in a studentââ¬â¢s academic learning. Throughout my junior high and high school years, I had the meanes... teaching students from different backgrounds, races, and interests. Nonetheless I have great confidence in myself, and the teachers here at Concord College, which will help me to achieve all of my goals and wishes to become an excellent teacher. Entering my adulthood, after graduation, I would like to pursue a teaching position in a public school teaching any grade from kindergarten up to third grade. My academic goal is to further my education and receive my masterââ¬â¢s degree in elementary education as soon as possible. I plan to move out of this area after receiving my degree to the south. Teaching is a dream that I have had all my life, motivated by family and teachers that I had in the past. Choosing the path of becoming a teacher will allow me to experience one of lifeââ¬â¢s greatest joys ââ¬â making a difference in childrenââ¬â¢s lives!
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Effects of Media Propaganda
AbstractThe media serve the agenda of six corporations that owns them. Just about any source of information that you see, hear or read is controlled by the agenda of the six corporations. They control the country with media propaganda agenda using the illusion of choice. The media has influenced us, economically, sociologically, and psychologically.The media function with the intent to shape our thinking into believing what they wanted us to believe. Many of the news coverage in the media is due to the fact that it align with the media agenda. This would paper allowed us to see different areas we have been shaped by the media and the strategy they used to achieve their objective. The media propaganda is key major part of media operation and is used to accommodate as well protect the agenda of the elite.IntroductionThe American culture of today is communicated through media. Media is the most powerful and influential force in the country. The media are powerful agents of socialization and they set the standard that majority follow. The power giving to American media has allowed them to be very effective using propaganda as strategy, the media tend to say they serve to relieve social conflicts into minimum. We clearly see that the media promote social conflicts by separating class. The image that media has created in the mind of masses has economical, psychological and sociological impact the masses.The intent of the media is to satisfy their own agenda, not to inform and entertain. They been very successful using this strategy, more of their agenda less of the masses interest. Richard Cohen once said ââ¬Å"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with.â⬠Propaganda is form of communication that attempt to influence the attitude of the community towards some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda is widely spread throughout the media to create chosen result in audience attitudes. Media main objective is to influence the attitude of the people. The audio visual media such as television, radio, and sound motion pictures means of communication are available to the psychological operator.Their effectiveness is based on seeing and having the persuasive message. These medium provide an excellent means of persuasive message. Television projects the sense of sight, adding the element of motion, like motion picture, it combines sight, sound and motion. Television is an immediate effect, it places the viewer is two locations simultaneously, creating the illusion of participating in a distant event. The transmission of T.V overcomes illiteracy, audience need not be able to read.The Psychological media propaganda advantage helps the media through television bring people in global separate locations together by exposing then visually to the same ideas and concepts. Psychologist Hadley Cantril and Hazel Gaudet, led us to some valuable discovery afte r October 30 1938 when radio broadcast war of the world? As a result of this broadcast there was a national panic for all to see the effect of media propaganda. While many panic during the broadcast, some remain calm and collected. The people that were not panic displayed what psychologist called a critical faculty (pg589). The lack critical faculty was the lack of the ability to create a framework in which to check if information were true.The people that lacked critical faculty are the low income bracket because of limited sources of information. A psychology study conducted by Cantril, along with Gaudet, H, the model which accounted for how movies influenced children. The study of media effect has spawned many functional theories today such as Agenda-setting theory, cultural imperialism theory. The powerful influence of media is revealed through agenda setting the ability to tell the masses what issues are important. Many have been concerned about the psychological effect of medi a as far back as 1922. Media has the power to presents images to public through propaganda. Which McCombs and Shaw investigation ofà presidential campaigns in 1968, 1972, and 1976. In the findings, they concluded that the mass media psychological a significant influence on what voters considered to the major issues of the campaign.The agenda- setting allowed the media not to reflect reality, they filter and shape it. They also concentrate on few issues and subjects leads the public to view those issues, as more significant than other issues. The time frame is the most important aspect of this phenomenon. Bernard Cohen (1963) psychology effect of media, they may not be successful in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about. Lastly, the western nations dominate the media around the world.The western nations used cultural imperialism to impose their western views through media on third world countries. They simply shape and control third world destroying their native cultures through the effect of media propaganda. There are several different theory that provide evidence of this. In as much as the third world countries continue to broadcast western civilizationââ¬â¢s programs, then these countries will always believe they should act, think and live as westerners. Clearly it is widely seen how media propaganda has impacted our lives psychologically.Over the past generation, it has become very clear that the U.S mass media is a major influential voice in the U.S society. Edward S Herman once said media operate in systematic propaganda model. The media serve to mobilize support for the special interests that dominate National, State and Private activity. Propaganda is not the only function of the media, however it is a very essential aspect of their overall service. Certainly in a capitalist society and major conflicts of class interest. The media function to serve the large propaganda requirements of the elite. The media have consistently promote the agenda of the elite, particularly in U.S.First thing to consider in the economic effect of media propaganda is the ownership of the media is among a handful the largest profit corporations in the world. Many of these corporations have a comfortable size of interest in U, S economy. Objectively, their needs to remain profitable corporation severely influence the need operations and major content of media broadcast. Subjectively, the self- interest of the handful corporations as become the operation of the media. Second advertising, has colonized the U.S media and is alsoà responsible for most of their generating income.Third media are drawn into symbolic relationship with powerful sources of information by economic necessity. Media depend upon news provided them by corporation and government sources and due to this fact they are pressured to follow corporate agenda. Whenever the wealthy right-wingers were dissatisfied with poli tical media coverage. They make sure that they send a clear message of their displeased. The ideology of double standard of the media propaganda work effectively.For example the media treatment of murder coverage or report is based on if it is a worthy victim or unworthy victim, which majorly depended on their relationship to the elite interests. The news coverage of Vietnam War and the development it appear as if the media were opposed to the war. Contrary to the image the media portray, they continued to present the War in manner consistent with the interest of wealthy till the very end. This provide a good example on how media propaganda operates to maintain economic agenda. For news to be worthy of coverage it would have to meet the elite requirement and it must be something the media can sale.It very certain that all these facts have major impacts on how media deliver news to the general public, the economic effect of media propaganda determines what event or incident gets medi a coverage. It is a system that continues to develop a systematic approach of how to protect the interest of the elite without making it obvious to the public. We believe that the media exist to inform and entertain, however the reason for the program will watched on T, V is to keep us interested till the next paid commercial. The more will considered the economic effect of media propaganda the more will discovered that its centered around the agenda of wealthy folks. The agenda of the elite is what is propagated by the media, the generally public received it as the truth follow. The Sociology perspective of the media is also an important aspect to consider.If the powerful are able to fix the premises of discourse, to decide what the general populace is allowed to see, hear, and think about and to ââ¬Å"manageâ⬠public opinion by regular propaganda of their own strike in an issue or immobilized by effective propaganda the media will serve elite interest uncompromisingly (Herma n,1996). It very essential to look different sociology perspective of media propaganda and how they influence ourà society. Functionalist believe that media propaganda contributed to the benefit of the society. Charlie Wright (1975) was able to identify ways media contributed to society. He said media coordinate and correlate information that is valuable to the culture. People gather in groups to watch, they talk about what they see, and they share the sense that are watching something special (Schudson 1986).Functionalist view media propaganda as an important function in society. It is the media to influence social uniformity on bigger scale. Media propaganda has been accused of creating dysfunction. Postman (1989) argued the media culture undermines the educational system. Conflict perspective claim that corporation use media propaganda to satisfy their own agenda. Sitcoms and News coverage are not created to inform and entertain, however they are to keep our interest to the nex t paid commercial. This perspective view media as conduit for social coercion. The owners of media use programing and advertising to influence certain and targeted social class.Whatever agenda or trend they introduced through media is the public mimicked, the media maintain dominance and remained major influential force in the nation due to the fact that they were use propaganda very effectively. From the conflict perspective, modern day media are instruments of social control,(Sullivan 2007) while interactionist and functionalist agree that media propaganda is necessary, conflict perspective view media propaganda as necessary evil. The media propaganda is used as an instrument of social control and also an effective way to carry out their agenda.Interactionist perspective, media propaganda is used to define and shape our definitions of any given situation. This perception of reality seems to come together as daily value and cultural change. The definition of American in the 50s is definitely different what we see expect today. The way the media portray family is the set standard that majority of society would consider acceptable. The effect of the media propaganda is powerful that social acceptance is solely dictated and depended on what the media approve. The symbols that the media present to us will represent what is acceptable and proper. So anyone that does not identify with the symbols are considered to be an outcast.The media propaganda create a perfect society illusion that the masses strive to emulate. You have athletes, celebrities and models promoting clothing, brand that vast majority cannot afford. To consider to be part of the elite classà society you have to identify with those things. Many people have lost their own identity trying to meet up with media expectation of them. Many also get into huge debt due to the fact that the image of happiness the media portray is things you can afford to buy with good credit. The interaction between the ma sses and the media is symbolic. They serve their own agenda, whenever the public interact with the media is to acquire information or to be entertained, however whenever the media interact with the public is serve their own agenda, which is the agenda of the elite groups of individual that runs them.The agenda of the elite is to impose their ââ¬Å"Willâ⬠on the masses and make money of it. CEO of Walt Disney, Michael Eisner once said ââ¬Å"We have no obligation to make history, we have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective. The media interaction with general public is symbolic because it revolved around money, money is the symbol that connect the media with the public.ConclusionThe media control the country using propaganda and illusion of choice to achieve their agenda. The 6 media giants control 90% of what we read, watch, listen to and anything outside these sources is consider not to be credible. The info rmation that we received on daily basis are controlled by six individual who run these companies. The media form and shape the society culture, reality and acceptance. They not only function to promote the agenda of the elite, they impose the culture accepted by the elite as set standard for all. The instrument that the media use to control society is propaganda.The media used the illusion that they exist to inform and entertain, however they existed to serve the agenda of the elite. They use different avenue to capture and change the public minds in order to achieve their own objectives. Our culture in America today is what the media say it is, Social conflicts are promoted by the media, separating public into different classes and holding one particular groups as the set standard of the rest. Finally the new coverage or any information we gathered through media is the mediaââ¬â¢s imposed agenda.
Friday, November 8, 2019
High Employee Turnover Rate In Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Essays
High Employee Turnover Rate In Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Essays High Employee Turnover Rate In Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Essay High Employee Turnover Rate In Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Essay Harmonizing to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the touristry and cordial reception industry represents one of the most of import sectors of the planetary economic system, which contributes a US $ 6 trillion concern that employs over 230 million people and a important part of the universe s work force. In other word, human resource considered one of the most of import resources of the modern-day touristry and cordial reception industry. The labor back uping a broad scope of occupations in many different service sectors, for case hotels and eating houses line, subject park and amusement attractive forces. Personal service is indispensable to presenting merchandises and service to fulfill clients particularly those served in front line, for illustration servers, heads, receptionists, etc. Since the concern range is emphasis the clients contact all over the clip, the deficiency of work force may take the industry in problem. In fact, the modern-day touristry and cordial reception industry is confronting a HR crisis where the labour turnover rate is comparatively higher than other industry. The majority of service occupations tend to be impermanent, held by the people with no calling aspirations in touristry and no committedness to the industry. ( ) That is no uncertainty that the modern-day touristry and cordial reception industry offers occupation chances for the young person, adult females and less advantaged groups in society. Other than recruitment jobs, employee turnover may do by employee retirement, decease, unwellness or disablement, surrender, organisation retrenchment or expiration. The grounds why employees resign may be evitable where they may see unjust intervention, hapless leading, or deficiency of challenge. Otherwise they leave from an organisation with ineluctable grounds, for illustration immigrate to another province or state, return to university every bit good as serious unwellness . ( ) Employees may besides go forth an organisation because of dissatisfaction to the on the job conditions, wage and benefit, preparation and development, the work force diverseness issues, and other possible issue. Consequently, a elaborate turnover analysis of why employees leave a cordial reception organisation is meaningful to get at benchmark patterns on covering with the operational and administrative challenges the high degree of staff turnover. This research information would stand for the factors that influence staffs keeping or leave from their occupation in this industry. Furthermore, it helps cordial reception trade organisations generate schemes to minimise staff turnover rate yet increase staffs keeping by the agencies of heightening enlisting policy, occupation satisfaction, organisational committedness and eventually quality of service. 3.0 RESEARCH QUESTIONS What cause employees leave the organisations within touristry and cordial reception industry? What are the effects of high staff turnover to the related service sector organisations? What disciplinary action should be taken to undertake high employees turnover rate in specify sector? Research AIMS The purpose of this survey is to place the grounds of high staffs turnover in touristry and cordial reception industry. Further, this survey seeks to analyze the impacts of high employee turnover to the organisations in the industry and how organisations tackle this challenge. 4.1RESEARCH Aim To analyze the grounds of high employee turnover rate in touristry and cordial reception sector To measure the effects of high employee turnover in an touristry and cordial reception organisation To measure how organisations satisfy the employees in order to work out the job of high employee turnover in touristry and cordial reception sector 5.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 5.1 RESEARCH DESIGN Each method, tool or technique has its alone strength and failing. ( ) To guarantee the cogency and reliable of this survey, descriptive research design is used since the research jobs is non a new issue and had been sought by old research workers. ( ) Descriptive research is designed to depict features of a population or a phenomenon, where in this research, is to depict the features of the labour turnover within the touristry and cordial reception industry. Further, it may assist to analyze the ways that may cut down such phenomenon. Therefore, this research will be based on quantitative methods. Quantitative method will be undertaken by distribute study questionnaires to a big figure of respondents in order to obtain accurate information and bettering determination devising. ( ) Deductive research is the logical procedure of deducing a decision from a known general premiss. ( ) Deductive research has been used in this research to prove hypothesizes whether certain factors may act upon labours surrender and whether high turnover rate would take touristry or cordial reception organisation into certain quandary. Cross sectional surveies method besides will be used to carry on this survey because the continuance to carry on the research is limited. 5.2 UNIVERSE OF POPULATION The population selected to carry on this survey will be the employees who engaged in the touristry and cordial reception organisations that is high labour turnover rate, for illustration touristry attractive forces like Genting Highlands and certain hotels every bit good as eating houses in Malaysia. 5.3 Sampling Design: 5.3.1 SAMPLE SIZE To carry on this research, the selected sample size will be 200 employees within the touristry and cordial reception in Malaysia. 5.3.2 SAMPLE APPROACHES Since it is hard to seek the people who experience high labour turnover rate even surrender in the touristry and cordial reception organisations, the research are undertaken by snowball sample. Snowball sample is one of the non-probability samples that selects the initial respondents by chance sample and so obtained the extra respondents by referral from initial respondents. The advantages of utilizing snowball sample are economical and do convenience to the research worker every bit good as respondents. With this attack, this survey can conducted by makes initial interview with the little group and so utilize these to set up contacts with other relevant employees to reply the designed questionnaires. 5.4 RESEARCH METHOD Secondary informations such as diaries, text edition, newspapers and website articles besides will be utilized when carry through this research. In wide footings, the questionnaires for study intent are designed with closed and open-ended inquiries. The inquiries designed expect to present the grounds of high employee turnover rate together with its effects to the organisations within touristry and cordial reception industry. 6.0 DATA ANALYSIS The informations obtained from study methods will be analyzed by utilizing SPSS VS.18.0 per window. It is used to obtain the descriptive statistic like frequences, mean and standard divergences that reveals the result of the research job. 7.0 TIME SCALE GANTT CHART November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Research Questions 1.2 Research Aims Rationale of the research chosen Chapter 2: Literature Reappraisal Chapter 3: Research Methods 3.1 Secondary informations 3.2 Focus group 3.3 Case surveies 3.4 Survey questionnaires Chapter 4: Datas Analysis and Findingss Chapter 5: Decision and Discussion Binding of Dissertation
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Gibson essays
Gibson essays In Gibsons Burning Chrome two worlds exist. There is the real world that we carry out our everyday business. We live in this world. We eat, sleep and breathe in this world. Then there is the cyber world. This is where we play and this is where we run our modern day functions such as banking and business. A person can be ruined just as easily as in the real world. Things might not be fatal, but in this modern world worse things than death can happen. Gibson is viewed as a father of cyberpunk. He is the one who is credited with coming up with the word, cyberspace. [Dorsey] "I don't have an e-mail address. I don't go online with America... ...because I don't want America to be online with me." Gibson. [Dorsey] If a man feels so repulsed by the internet, how can he be one of the founding fathers of it? Regardless how he feels about the internet and cyber culture William Gibson is still interested in it. The world that Gibson and created and the world we live in now is getting closer and closer with every day. We are becoming a technological society. We now live in a cyberpunk world. In this world we have created a reality much like the reality in which the characters in Burning Chrome also reside. In this reality, many of the same things occur, business, banking. It is also a social world; some choose to come here to escape the modern life. We have created games that have become doorways to these new realities. With these games we create new worlds to explore. In some cases we even create new identities to live by. The online gaming movement began slowly at the start. It began with MUDs or Multi User Dungeons. Through these was the first step into creating a new world. Players would take control of a character. To some it was just a game and a pastime. To others it became a hobby. Some assumed roles like their persona in the real world. Others assumed roles of ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Neurotheology Vol I and Vol II Descriptions Essay
Neurotheology Vol I and Vol II Descriptions - Essay Example This includes perspectives from Darwinian evolution and neuroscience (studies in frontal, parietal lobes and temporal lobe epilepsy), neuropsychology, genetics, cognitive science, cellular biology, chemistry, physics, mindfulness, electromagnetic field effects, and varying perspectives from psychology like conditioning, attachment and learning theories. Other perspectives on science and beliefs are developing from neuroeconomics, neuropolitics, and neuroethics. Neurotheology acknowledges the complexity and diversity of human beliefs by providing a broad conceptual framework to encompass beliefs whether mystical or religious, economic or environmental, political or social, or some other. Beginning with an overview of what Neurotheology is and what it attempts to accomplish, the book will illustrate how Neurotheology proposes six belief dimensions, each of which encompasses different disciplines that posit particular understandings of brain (human physiology), mind, and beliefs from their own viewpoints, research commitments and program obligations. Having set the stage for a greater understanding of the science of neurotheology, the second volume in the series will present a more in-depth look at the various belief dimensions that comprise the focus of neurotheological studies. The first of these belief dimensions is the mystical, religious, spiritual and theological traditions and experiences of human existence. The second belief dimension is that of the scientific programs and psychological theories that are often pitted against the ideas of the first as if they were diametrically opposed. Historical and philosophical traditions comprise the third belief dimension. Anthropological influences are considered within the fourth belief dimension while the fifth belief dimension is concerned with technological
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Basic spanish project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Basic spanish project - Essay Example Su duracià ³n es como las demà ¡s estaciones, 3 meses. Estos son junio, julio, y agosto. Me gusta ir a la playa y salir con mis amistades. En esos meses tambià ©n estoy de vacaciones de la escuela y me encanta. Topic: Write about your bedroom (or the room where you sleep). You may include the names of people you share it with (if anyone), descriptions of your furniture, decorations, sizes, colors, etc. (Assume you are a 16 year old boy and have a room to yourself) Mi cuarto de dormir es grande. Ahà tengo mi espacio favorito. Duermo solo. El color del cuarto es azul royal y los muebles son de caoba. Tengo una cama, dos mesas de noche, dos là ¡mparas de noche, un mueble con gavetas, y un armario. Write a paragraph in Spanish that describes where you live. Use at least 5 sentences. Be sure to note what street you live on, and the locations of at least two of your friends in relation to you, your school, home, or other place you spend time at (like a library, shopping mall, park, etc.) Your paragraph needs to include the respective locations of next to, in front of, and near. (Again presume you are a 16 year old boy, two friends are Jake and Ahmed, he likes to go to the cinema and shopping Mall which are about 3km away) School is 5km away in an area called Saar. Vivo en la Ciudad de Nueva York, en la calle Chile. Mi amigo Jake y mi amigo Ahmed viven a dos cuadras de mi casa. Ellos viven al lado, son vecinos. Vamos mucho al parque que queda frente a mi casa. Despuà ©s del juego vamos a la bodega a tomar refrescos. La bodega esta cerca del parque. Nos gusta mucho esta actividad. Write a paragraph in Spanish of at least eight sentences that tell about your typical day. Use the vocabulary and verbs you have learned in Units 1-4 of this course. You may include activities you do with family and friends. (16 year old boy, talk about School until 2p.m, lunch, walk the dog, homework, go to Ahmed or Jakeââ¬â¢s house to hang out and watch DVDââ¬â¢s, dinner at
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